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Editor's note:
Here follows an excerpt of the Panarion of Epiphanius
(A.D. 310-403). A "panarion" is a "medicine cabinet" and
represents Epiphanius' cupboard of doctrinal curatives
against heresy. In this excerpt, Epiphanius addresses a
sect that denied the canonicity of the gospel of John,
and, in so doing, provides a harmony of the gospels and
a chronology of the life and ministry of Christ. Most
importantly, Epiphanius fixes Jesus' baptism to early
November, followed by his 30th birthday sometime after
his wilderness fast and temptation. In the present work,
Epiphanius argues that Jesus' birthday fell on the day
of Epiphany, January 6th, sixty days after his baptism
November 6th. Belief that Jesus was born January 6th
long prevailed in the Eastern church, but was abandoned
toward the end of the fourth century in favor of
December 25th, as we read in John Chrysostom.
According to John of Nice, before the close of
the fourth century, Epiphanius also adopted the view
that December 25th was the correct date. The same source
also gives November 8th (Heshvan 15) as the date
Epiphanius settled on for Christ's baptism, probably
reckoned backward 3 1/2 years (42 lunar months) from
Jesus' death Nisan 15, A.D. 33.[1]
Against the sect
which does not accept the Gospel according to John, and
his Revelation.[2]
31, but 51 of the series
1, 1 Following these sects—after
the Phrygians and Quintillianists and the ones called
Quartodecimans—another sect sprang up. It is like a
snake without much strength, which cannot stand the odor
of dittany—that is, storax—or of frankincense or
southernwood, or the smell of pitch, incense, lignite or
hartshorn. (2) For those who are familiar with them say
that these substances have the effect of driving
poisonous snakes away; and some call dittany “tittany” (tiktomnon)
because professional physicians use it as an aid for
women in childbirth (tiktouswn).
I may thus appropriately compare it with the divine Word
who descended from the heavens, and has been begotten of
the Father outside of time and without beginning.
1, 3 Solomon says of a foolish,
worthless woman, “She hateth a word of sureness. These
people too have hated the surenesses[3]
of the Gospel, since they are of the earth and angry
with the heavens. (4) Therefore, for fear of the Holy
Spirit’s voice which says, ‘The voice of the Lord
restoreth the hinds,”[4]
<they reject his proclamation of the divine Word> who
told his servants and apostles, “Lo, I have given you
power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all
the power of the enemy."[5]
(5) For this is the voice; that restores the hinds, the
voice which resounded in the world through the holy
apostles and evangelists, to trample on the devil's
opposition. One of these,
2, 1 But they will not prevail in
the ark. The holy Noah is ordered by God’s direction to
make the ark secure (epasfalisasqai),
God says to him, “Thou shalt pitch (asfaltwseis)
it within and without”[6]—to
prefigure God’s holy church, which has the power of
pitch, which drives the horrid, baneful, snake-like
teachings away. For where pitch is burned, no snake can
remain. (2) The holy storax incense stuns them, and they
avoid its sweet odor. And the power of southernwood or
frankincense <drives them away> if it grows down over
the serpent itself and sprouts above its den.
2, 3 For in the place—I mean
Asia—where Ebion, Cerinthus and their supporters
preached that Christ is a mere man and the product of
sexual intercourse, the Holy Spirit caused this sacred
plant or shrub to sprout, and it has driven the serpent
away and destroyed the devil’s tyranny. (4) For in his
old age St. John was J told by the Holy Spirit to preach
and bring back those who had lost their way on the
journey—[bring them], not by force but of their own free
choice, by revealing to the obedient the divine
light in God’s
holy teaching. (5) But how long shall I go on? It is a
fact that no snake can remain or have its den where
southernwood grows; and where God’s true teaching is, a
den of snake-like teaching cannot prevail but will be
3, 1 Now these Alogi say—this is
what I call them. They shall be so called from now on,
and let us give them this name, beloved, Alogi. (2) For
they believed in the heresy for which <that> name <was a
good one>, since it rejects the books by John. As they
do not accept the Word which John preaches, they shall
be called Dumb (Alogi).
(3) As complete strangers to the truth’s message they
deny its purity, and accept neither John’s Gospel nor
his Revelation.
3, 4 And if they accepted the
Gospel but rejected the Revelation, I would say they
might be doing it from scrupulousness, and refusing to
accept an “apocryphon” because of the deep and difficult
sayings in the Revelation. (5) But since they do not
accept the books in
which St. John actually proclaimed his Gospel, it must
be plain to everyone that they and their kind are the
ones of whom St. John said in his General Epistles, “It
is the last hour and ye have heard that Antichrist
cometh; even now, lo, there are many Antichrists"[8]
(6) For they offer excuses [for their behavior]. Knowing
as they do, that St. John was an apostle and the Lord’s
beloved, that the Lord rightly revealed the mysteries to
him, and <that he> leaned upon his breast, they are
ashamed to contradict him and try to object to these
mysteries for a different reason. For they say they are
not John’s composition but Cerinthus’, and have no a
place in the church.
4, 1 And it can be shown at once,
from this very attack, that they understand neither what
they say nor whereof they affirm.”[9]
How can the words which are directed against Cerinthus
be by Cerinthus? (2) Cerinthus says that Christ is of
recent origin and a mere man, while John has proclaimed
that <he> is the eternal Word, and has come from on high
and been made flesh. From the very outset, then, their
worthless quibble is exposed as foolish, and unaware of
its own refutation. (3) For they appear to believe what
we do; but because they do not hold to the certainties
of the message God has revealed to us through
4, 5 For they say against
themselves—I prefer not to say, “against the truth”—that
John’s books do not agree with the other apostles.[10]
And now they think they can attack his holy, inspired
teaching. (6) “And what did he say?” they argue. “‘In
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.'"[11]
And, ‘The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we
knew his glory, glory as of an only Son of a Father,
full of grace and truth.'[12]
(7) And immediately afterwards, 'John bare witness; and
cried, saying, This he of whom I spake unto you,'[13]
and, ‘This is the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin
of the world."[14]
"And next he says, 'They that heard
him said, Rabbi, where, dwellest thou?’[15]
and in the same breath, (8) ‘On the morrow Jesus would
go forth into
4, 11 And stupid as they are, they
don’t know that each evangelist was concerned to say
what the others had said, in agreement with them, while
at the same time revealing what they had not said, but
had omitted. For the will was not theirs; both their
order and their teaching came from the Holy Spirit. (12)
If our opponents want to attack john, they must learn
that the other three did not begin with the same
sequence of events. For Matthew was the first to become
an evangelist. He was directed to issue the Gospel first.
(I have spoken largely of this in another Sect;[18]
however, I shall not mind dealing with the same things
again as proof of the truth and in refutation of the
erring.) (5,1) As I said, Matthew was privileged to be
the first <to issue> the Gospel, and this was absolutely
right. Because he had repented of many sins, and had
risen from the receipt of custom and followed Him who
came for man’s salvation and said, “I am not come to
call the righteous, but sinners to repentance"[19]
it was Matthew’s duty to present the message of
salvation <first>, as an example for us, who would be
saved like this man who was restored in the tax office
and turned from his iniquity. From him men would learn
of the graciousness of Christ’s advent.
5, 2 For after the forgiveness of
his sins it was granted him to raise the dead, cleanse
leprosy, and work miracles of healing and cast out
devils, so that he would not merely persuade his hearers
by his speech, but publish[20]
good tidings with actual deeds—[publish] the tidings of
their salvation through repentance, to the perishing;
the tidings that they would arise, to the fallen; and
the tidings that they would-be quickened, to the dead.
5, 3 Matthew himself wrote and
issued the Gospel in the Hebrew alphabet, and did not
begin at the beginning, but traced Christ’s pedigree
from Abraham. “Abraham begat Isaac,” he said, “and Isaac
begat Jacob,”[21]
and so on down to Joseph and Mary. (4) And he wrote at
the beginning, "The book of the generation of Jesus
Christ, the son of David,” and then said, “the son of
Then, coming to his main point, he said, “The birth of
Jesus Christ was on this wise. When as his mother Mary
was espoused to Joseph, before they came together she
was found with child of the Holy Ghost (5) And Joseph,
being a just man, sought to put her away privily. And
lo, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream
saying Put not away thy wife; for that which is
conceived in her is of Holy Ghost. (6) For lo, she shall
bear a son, and thou cal his name Jesus. He shall save
his people from their sins. And this was done,” he said,
“to fulfill that which was spoken of the Lord by the
prophet, saying, Behold the virgin shall be with child,”[23]
and so on.
5, 7 “And Joseph,” he said, “being
raised from sleep, did so and took unto him his wife,
and knew her not till she brought forth her first-born
son, and he called his name Jesus. (8) Now when Jesus
was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the
king, behold, there came wise men from the east to
5, 9 Now then, where is the story
of Zacharias? Where are the subjects Luke discussed?
Where is the vision of the angel? Where is John the
Baptist's prophecy? Where is the rebuke of Zacharias, so
that he could not speak until the angel’s words had come
5, 10 Where are the things that
Gabriel told the Virgin? Where is his reassurance, when
Mary answered the angel himself with wisdom and asked,
“How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?”[25]
And where is his accurate and clear explanation, "The
Spirit of the Lord shall come upon thee, and the power
of the Highest shall overshadow thee?”[26]
6, 1 Well, what shall I say?
Because Matthew did not report the events which Luke
related, can St. Matthew be at odds with the truth? Or
is St. Luke not telling the truth, because he has said
<nothing> about the first things Matthew dealt with? (2)
Didn’t God give each evangelist his own assignment, so
that each of the four evangelists whose duty was to
proclaim the Gospel could find what he was to do and
proclaim some things in agreement and alike to show that
they were from the same source, but otherwise[27]
describe what another had omitted, as each received his
proportionate share from the Spirit?
6, 3 Now what shall we do? Matthew
declares that Mary gave birth in
6, 6 For the whole essence of the Gospel was of this nature. After Matthew had proclaimed Christ’s generation, his conception through the Holy Spirit, <and> his incarnation as a descendant of David and Abraham, an error arose in those who did not
understood the narrative which was
intended in good faith to provide assurance of these
things from the Gospel. (Not that the Gospel is
responsible for their error; their own wrong notion
was.) (7) And this was why Cerinthus and Ebion held that
Christ was a mere man, and <misled> Merinthus,[29]
or Cleobulus,”[31]
Claudius, Demass[32]
and Henriogenes,”[33]
who had loved this world and left the way, of the truth.
(8) For they contradicted the Lord’s disciples at
that time, and tried to use the genealogy from
Abraham and David as
proof of their nonsense—not in good faith, but seizing
on it as an excuse. (9) For they were often contradicted
6, 10 Mark, who came directly after
Matthew, was ordered to issue the Gospel by St. Peter at
6, 12 He began his proclamation
where the Spirit told him, and opened it in the fifteenth
year of Tiberius Caesar, thirty years after Matthew's
account. (13) Since he was a second evangelist, and gave
no clear indication of the divine Word’s descent from on
high—he does it vividly everywhere, but not with as much
precision [as Matthew] — these misguided people had
their perceptions darkened
a second time, and
were not held
worthy of the Gospel’s illumination. (14) "Look" they
said, “here is a second Gospel too with an account of
Christ where does it say that his generation is
heavenly. "Instead," they said, “the Spirit descended
upon him in the
7, 1 Since this was these stupid
people’s state of mind, the Holy Spirit compelled and
urged St Luke to raise their misguided minds from the
lowest depths, as it were, and once again take up what
the other evangelists had omitted. (2) <But> lest some
misguided person should think his description of
Christ’s generation fictitious, he carried the matter
back, and for accuracy’s sake went through his whole
account in the fullest detail. (3) And he produced those
who had been ministers of the word as his witnesses in
support of the truth; and he said, “Inasmuch as many
have attacked,”[36]
to show that there were attackers—I mean Cerinthus,
Merinthus and the others.
7, 4 What does he say next? “It
seemed good to me, having attended closely to them which
from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of
the word, to write unto thee, most excellent
Theophilus”—whether he said this because he was then
writing someone named Theophilus, or to every lover of
God—“<that thou mayest know> the certainty of the things
wherein thou hast been instructed.”[37]
(5) And he said that the instruction was already
written, as though Theophilus had already been
instructed by other but had not learned the exact truth
from them with certainty.
7, 6 Next he says, "There was in
the days of Herod the king a priest named Zacharias of
the course of the high priest Abijah, and his wife was
of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth."[38]
(7) And he begins before Matthew. Matthew had, indicated
a period of thirty years from the beginning, while
Mark—like Matthew and Luke—had set down what happened
after <the> thirty years, the true occurrence at the
Jordan. (8) But Matthew began his account thirty years
before the event at the
7, 9 Luke also describes the
shepherds’ vision, [which was shown them] by the angels
who brought them the tidings. And he describes how
Christ was born in Bethlehem, laid in a manger in
swaddling clothes, and circumcised the eighth day; and
how they made an offering for him forty days later in
obedience to the Law, Simeon took <him> in his arms, and
Anna the daughter of Phanuel gave thanks for him; and
how he went away to Nazareth and returned to Jerusalem
each year with his parents, who made the offerings for
him that the Law required. But neither Matthew nor Mark
has dealt with any of this, and certainly not John.
8, 1 And so, in the course of their
refutations of the Gospel account, certain other Greek
philosophers—I mean Porphyry, Celsus,[39]
and that dreadful, deceitful serpent of Jewish
extraction, Philosabbatius—accuse the holy apostles,
though they [themselves] are natural and carnal, make
war by fleshly means and cannot please God, and have not
understood <the things which have been said > by the
8, 2 Tripping over the words of the
truth because of the blindness of their ignorance, each
<of them> lit upon this point and and said "How can the
day of his birth in Bethlehem have a circumcision eight
days after it, and forty days later the pilgrimage to
Jerusalem and the things Simeon and Anna did for him,
(3) when an angel appeared to him the night he was born,
after the arrival of the magi who came to worship him,
and who opened their bags and offered him gifts? As it
says, 'An angel appeared to him saying, take thy wife
and the young child and go unto
9, 1 Their ignorance they do not
know the power of the Holy Spirit; for he granted each
evangelist to describe the true events of each time and
season. And Matthew reported only Christ’s Holy Spirit
and conception without a man's seed, but said nothing
about circumcision, or the two years—any of the thing
that happened to him after his birth. (2) Instead, as
the true word of God bears witness, he describes the
coming as the true word of God bears witness, he
describes the coming of the magi. For Herod asked the
magi for the time, and demanded the exact time of the
star’s appearance, and Matthew gave the magi’s answer,
that it was no more than two years before. Thus this
period of time is not the period Luke treats of.
9, 3 Luke, however, describes the
events before <the> two years—whereas Matthew spoke of
Christ’s birth and then skipped to the time two years
later and indicated what happened after <the> two years.
(4) And so, when Herod deliberated after the magi's
departure by another route, he assumed that < the >
new-born child himself would be found among all the
other children and killed along with them. (5) For he
ordered the killing of all the children in the vicinity
9,6 Indeed, the account itself
clarifies everything. For Luke says ‘that the child was
swaddled as soon as he was born, and lay in a manger and
cave because there was no room in the inn. (7) “For a
census was then underway, and the people who had been
scattered at the time of the wars in the Maccabees’ time
were dispersed all over the world, and very few had
continued to livr in
9, 9 But then, after the census,
each one went back to his own place of abode, and room
was made in
9, 13 And the angel appeared that
night, two years after the birth, and said to take the
mother and child to
10, 1 The Lord was born in the
thirty-third year of Herod, the magi came in the
thirty-fifth, and in the thirty-seventh year Herod died
and his son Archelaus inherited the throne and reigned
for nine years, as I have already said in other places."[42]
(2) When Joseph heard of Archelaus he returned and went
10, 3 Do you see the precision as
to every event that is found in the sacred Gospels? But
because the ignorant have blinded their own minds and do
not know the intent of each saying, they simply shout
and rave against the holy <evangelists>, saying nothing
truthful but depriving themselves of life.
l0, 4 And then, after the first part
of his narrative, Luke tells in turn how Christ went to
Jerusalem in his twelfth year, leaving opportunity for
those who think, as Cerinthus, Ebion and the rest
supposed, that Christ simply appeared in the world as a
grown man and came to the
10, 6 And this is why the holy
evangelists write with precision, describing everything
in exact detail. As though raising his mind to the
heavens, Luke expressly said, “And Jesus began to be
about thirty years of age, being,
as was supposed,
the son of Joseph.[43]
(7) Supposition is not fact; Joseph was in the position
of a father to Jesus because this pleased God, but since
he had no relations with Mary he was not his father. (8)
He was simply called her husband because he was espoused
to her as an old man of about eighty, with six sons
by his actual first wife. But he was given this charge,
as I have explained more precisely elsewhere. Without
conjugal relations, how could he be Christ’s father?
This is not possible.
11, 1 But you will ask me, if he
did not have her, why was he was called her husband?
Whoever doubts this does not know the Law’s provision
that once a woman is designated a man’s wife, she is
called the wife of the man so designated, even though
she is a virgin and still in her father’s house. And
thus the holy angel said, “Fear not to take unto thee
thy wife."[45]
11, 2 And lest it be thought that
<there is> some error in the Gospels—for the mystery is
awesome and beyond human telling, and only to the Holy
Spirit’s children is the statement of it plain and
clear—(3) <he says>, “He was about thirty years old,
supposedly the son of Joseph, the son of Eli, the son of
and traces his ancestry to Abraham, where Matthew began.
But he goes past Noah and comes to Adam, to indicate the
first man, who was sought for by the One who came from
his clay—that is, the One who came from the holy Virgin
Mary. (4) (For Christ has come for that first man, and
for those of his descendants who desire to inherit
eternal life.)
And he goes past Adam and says,
“Son of God.”[47]
(5) From this at length, it was perfectly plain that he
was the Son of God, but that he had come in the flesh as
Adam’s lineal descendant. But once more the misguided
did not see the light; in their self-deceit <and their
preference of falsehood> to truth, they disputed the
statement. (6) “Here is a third Gospel, Luke’s,” they
said (for Luke was given this commission. He too was one
of the seventy-two who had been scattered because of the
Savior’s saying. But he was brought back to the Lord by
12, 1 But to return to the subject
Although Luke had trade Christ’s pedigree from its end
to its beginning and reached the point where, to turn
the misguided from their error, he hinted at the divine
Word’s advent and simultaneous union with his human
nature, they did not understand. (2) Later, therefore,
though caution and humility he had declined to be an
evangelist, the Holy Spirit compelled John to issue the
Gospel in his old age when he was past ninety, after his
return from
12, 3 And John did not need to
speak in detail of the [Savior’s] advent; that had
already been confirmed. But, as though he were following
behind people and saw them in front of him choosing very
rough, circuitous, thorny paths, John was concerned to
recall them to the straight way, and took care to call
out to them for their protection, “Why are you going
wrong? Which turn are you taking? Where are you
wandering off to, Cerinthus, Ebion and the rest? It is
not as you suppose.
12, 4 “Sure, plainly Christ was
conceived in the flesh; look, I confess myself that the
Word was made flesh. But don’t suppose that he existed
only from the time when he was made flesh. He doesn’t
exist from Mary’s time only, as each of us exists from
the time of our conception, but not before. (5) The holy
divine Word, the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ,
isn’t just from Mary’s time, or just from Joseph’s time,
or Eli’s, Levi’s, Zorubbabel’s, Shea1tiel’s, Nathan’s,
David’s, Jacob’s or Isaac’s. And not just from the time
of Abraham, Noah or Adam, or the fifth day of creation,
the fourth, the third, the second, or the beginning of
heaven and earth, or the beginning of the universe.
“No, ‘In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
All things were made by him, and without him was not
anything made that was made'[49]
and so on. (7) And then, ‘There was a man sent from God,
whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to
bear witness of the light, that all men through him
might believe. He was not the light, but was sent to
bear witness of the light. The true light, that
lighteneth every man, was coming into the world. He was
in the world, and the world was made by him, and the
world knew him not. He came to his own, and his own
received him not. But as many as received him, to them
gave he power to become the sons of God, who were born
not of blood and flesh, but of God. (8) And the Word was
made flesh,’ he said, ‘and dwelt among us. John bare
witness of him and cried saying, This is he of who I
spake unto you, and Of his fullness we have an received'[50]
And he said, I am not the Christ, but the voice of one
crying in the wilderness.’”[51]
13, 1 And when he describes all
this he says, “These things were done in Bethabara”—“
13,4 “On the morrow he would go
forth into
All this will show that he came
back to the
13, 9 “Bare witness” and “This is
he of whom I said unto you," suggest that John is
speaking of two different times already past, to show
that this is not the same as the time of the baptism,
but a different one. (10) For Jesus did not go straight
to John from the temptation, but went to
14, 1 The beginning of Peter’s and
Andrew's call is shown after this. For Andrew went to
visit Jesus—one of the two who followed him, who were
John’s disciples but still lived in Galilee and now and
then spent time with John. (2) And just after Andrew had
stayed with him that day—it was about the sixth hour—he
happened to meet his brother Simon that very same day,
and said the words I have already mentioned, “We have
found the Messiah.” And he brought him to the Lord and
so on, as the sequel—that Jesus told him, "Thou shalt be
called Cephas”—indicates.
14, 3 “And the day following,” it
says, "Jesus would go forth into
15, l But it is time to return to
the subject <and point out> that, obviously, just as
they <continued> to practice their trade and attend to
their discipleship while they were disciples of John, so
after spending their first day with Jesus, they went back
the next day and fished, as the course of the other
Gospels indicates. (2) For after Jesus left on the
following day, the sequel [in John] says at once, “On
the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee,
and the mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus was called,
and his disciples, to the marriage.”[60]
(3) But from both these precise statement and the
subject of them, we are given to understand that Jesus
had also brought other disciples who [unlike Peter and
the others] had remained with him—perhaps Nathanael and
Philip, and some others. Andrew and the rest had left,
but those who had remained with him were also invited to
the wedding.
15, 4 And after performing this
first miracle he went down to
15, 6 And after this he returned to
15, 7 From there he went to
15, 8 And Luke also makes it quite
clear that at last they followed him for good and no
longer put their call off. He says “When he was come
unto the lake Gennesareth he saw Simon Peter and Andrew
mending their nets, and he entered into ship which was
Simon Peter’s and Andrew’s”[64]—and
this meant that he already knew them, and they allowed
this out of habit—and he boarded it and sat down. (9)
When he told Peter, after his teaching, “Launch out into
the deep and let down your nets,"[65]
and they said, “Master,"[66]
they were already calling him Master because of John’s
testimony. For they had heard, “Behold the Lamb of God
which taketh away the sin of the world”[67]
said < of > him on a previous occasion, and had spent
the one day with him. (10) And they went out for their
second and later catch, when they were amazed at the
number of the fish, and Peter said, “Depart from me; for
I am a sinful man, O Lord.”[68]
(Perhaps, indeed, he was sorry, because he had been
called before and had gone back to his fish and the whole
business of fishing.) (11) But to hearten him Jesus said,
“Fear not;” he had not been rejected but could still lay
claim to his call. For Jesus said, “From henceforth thou
shalt catch men”[69]
when they motioned their partners in the other boat to
come and help with the catch. (12) For as it says, they
were Simon’s partners; I have mentioned this already
because of the two who had followed Jesus <and> heard
John say, <“Behold the Lamb of God.”>[70]One
of these two was Andrew, <as> I said, and I have a very
good notion that the other, in turn, might have been one
of the sons of Zebedee, because they were co-workers, in
the same business, and partners.
15, 13 And then, as it says, after
all this the four left their boats _
E and simply threw everything down and followed
him, as Luke testifies. (14) And thus it is fully
demonstrated that there is no obscurity or contradiction
in the holy Gospels or between the evangelists, but that
everything is plain. (15) There are, however,
differences of time. For from this time forward, after
Peter, John and the others had finally joined and
followed him, he went teaching throughout
16, 1 First, he was baptized on the
twelfth of the Egyptian month Athyr, the sixth before
the Ides of November in the Roman calendar.[71]
(In other words, he was baptized a full sixty days
before the Epiphany, which is the day of his birth in
the flesh, (2) as the Gospel
16, 5 As I said, this was the
eighteenth day after the temptation, but the first after
[Jesus’ encounter with] John, when Andrew and the others
followed Jesus and stayed with him that day—it was about
the tenth hour—and when Andrew found his brother Simon
and brought him to Jesus. (6) Then the Gospel says, “On
the morrow the Lord would go forth into
16, 7 And then, it says, there was
a wedding in Cana of Galilee on the third day after the
two days I have mentioned which followed; [the encounter
with] John. Now if the twenty days are added to the
forty days of the temptation, this makes two months. And
when these are combined with the ten months they make a
year, or, in other words, a full thirty years from the
birth of the Lord. (8) And we find that Christ performed
his first miracle, the changing the water into wine, at
the end of his thirtieth year, as you must realize if
you follow the orders of the events in the Gospels
closely. (9) And then, after this first miracle, he
performed the other miracle and presented his teaching,
showing his wondrous, inexpressible lovingkindness to
all, and the wonderworking in the Gospels—I have often
been obliged to say because of the ignorance of the
misguided people who venture to contradict the Gospels’
accurate account, as it is set forth in order by the
Holy Spirit.
17, 1 This amount of accurate
demonstration will leave no room for those who are their
own opponents—I won’t say, the truth because they can’t
be. (2) For it is plain that the beginning the rest of
the affair follows the baptism. Thus it is shown that
the Lord underwent the forty day temptation in the
wilderness after the day of the baptism, even though the
Holy Spirit saw no need to make this known through John;
it had already been indicated by the three evangelists.
(3) And again, the other evangelists were not concerned
with the other matters, since each is assisted by each.
For when the truth is gathered from all the evangelists
it is shown to be one, and not in conflict with itself.
17, 4 For directly after the
temptation, as I said, he went from the wilderness to
17, 7 Afterwards they came and
stayed with him the first day, as I said , they
travelled on the second, and on the third day came his
first miracle while some disciples were with him—plainly
not Andrew, Peter, James or John, but Nathanael and
Philip, and some
17, 9 And after John’s arrest he
returned to Capernaum and at last made that his
residence; and the final call of Peter, John and their
brothers came at this time, when Jesus came [to them],
beside the lake of Gennesareth. And thus the entire
sequence of events [in the Gospels] is harmonized and
contains no contradictions; the whole Gospel account is
completely clear and has been truthfully given.
17, 10 Then what has gotten into
these people <who> have their own minds and spewed this
sect out on the world, reject the Gospel according to
John? I was right to call
18, 2 With their deliberate
foolishness these people have not! remembered that John
<himself>, after saying that the Word was made flesh and
dwelt among us—or in other words, became man—said that
Jesus went to John [the Baptist] at the Jordan and
baptized by him. (3) < For> John himself testifies that
John the Baptist said, "This is he of whom I said unto
“I saw the Holy Spirit descending in the form of a dove
and remaining on him,"[80]
and, “This is he that taketh away the sin of the world.”[81]
18, 4 You see that none of this is
said from forgetfulness; John has omitted the matters
Matthew dealt with. There was no more need for them, but
there was for the full explanation, in reply to those
who believed that Jesus was called Christ and Son of God
19,1 The blessed John came fourth
in the succession of evangelists. With his brother James
he was the first after Peter and Andrew in the order of
calling, but he was the last to issue a Gospel. He was
not concerned to give information which had been
adequately set down before him, but preferred what had
not been said to what had been, and discoursed <along
those lines>. (2) For Matthew begins with Abraham, but
resumes the narrative after the beginning [of Christ's
life], and [again] two years after his birth. Mark,
however, begins at the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar
and says <nothing> of <the> intervening years which
follow the beginning. And Luke added a beginning before
the beginning, his treatment of Elizabeth and Mary
before < they> conceived.
19, 3 John, however, who was
earlier in his calling than they but became an
evangelist later, confirms the events before the
incarnation. For most of what he said was spiritual,
since the fleshly things had already been confirmed. (4)
He thus gives a spiritual account[82]
of the Gift which came down to us from the Father who
has no beginning, <and> of the Father’s good pleasure
took flesh in the holy Virgin's womb. (5) And he omitted
nothing essential; but by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration
he <introduced> the divine Word who was before all ages,
begotten of the Father without beginning and not in
time, and told of his coming in the flesh for our sakes.
And thus we obtain full and precise knowledge, fleshly
and divine, from four evangelists.
20, 1 For when all the events of
the baptism and temptation were over and then, as I have
often said, Jesus had gone to spend a few days in
Nazareth and nearby, and near Capemaum—<and> he had met
John at the Jordan <and returned to Galilee>, a few
disciples with him on the next day [after his meeting
John]—Jesus performed this first miracle in Cana, the
third day after [he had met] john but the twentieth
after his return from the temptation, and <began> his
preaching. (2) For John does not say that Christ went to
a wedding before the temptation, or that he worked any
of his miracles <before> he started preaching except,
perhaps, the ones he is said to have performed as a
child. (3) (For he ought to have childhood miracles too,
to deprive the other sects of an excuse for saying that
"<the> Christ," meaning the dove, came to him after [his
baptism in] the
20, 4 This is also why Luke
represents Jesus, in his twelfth year, as having asked
Mary, “Wist ye not that I must be in my Father’s house?"[85]
when she came looking for him, and he was engaged in
dispute with the doctors at
21, 1 And then he began to work his
perfect miracles, during, the time of his
preaching—<for> it says, "This first miracle did, Jesus
in Cana of Galilee.”[87]
(2) As I have said many times, this was not before the
baptism. It was after his retum from the temptation the
third day after the two days John’s two disciples spent
with him, the disciples who had heard [John] speak and
followed Jesus. (3) Thus, immediately after the two days
they spent with him, the Gospel adds, “And he went forth
21, 4 Then immediately, on the
third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Since
there was a wedding just after he had left
21, 7 <This was> after he came from
the wilderness following the temptation, and after he
had been taken to
20, 10 For he went to Nazareth and
from there to the Jordan to visit John, and after
crossing the Jordan started back to his boyhood home, to
his mother at Nazareth, and stayed there (i.e., at the
Jordan) for two days, at which time Andrew and the
others also stayed with him. Then, for the salvation of
mankind he was moved to begin preaching; (11) and
because he had come [there] after an interval he stayed
two days, accompanied by the disciples he had taken by
then. And dismissing the two who had followed him he
went to
21, 12 For see how the wording
assures <us> of this, when John the Baptist gives his
testimony, and says as of an event already
in the past,
“And I knew him not, but he who sent me to baptize said
unto me, Upon whom thou seest the Spirit descending in
the form of a dove, the same is he.”[92]
(13) For when the Father sent John to baptize he granted
him this sign, so that, when he saw it, he would
recognize the Savior and Benefactor of our souls, who
had been sent to the world from on high.
21, 14 Sectarians like these are
confounded by the truth and accuracy of the sacred
scriptures, especially by the agreement of the four
Gospels. No one in his right mind would reject the fully
accurate account the Holy Spirit has given through the
21, 18 Nor
do they realize that the other three evangelists
give account of the time after John’s imprisonment by
saying, "Jesus hearing that John was cast into prison,
departing from Nazareth dwelt in Capernaum which is upon
the seacoast.” And you see that everything is said
truthfully and in agreement by the four evangelists.
21, 19 For John is plainly
<following> the [other evangelists’] order when he says
in turn that, after the Savior had performed the first
miracle, gone to Capemaurn and performed certain
miracles there, and gone back to Nazareth and read the
scroll, then finally; when John the Baptist was
imprisoned, he went and lived at Capernaum for “not many
(20) These are the “days” after? the Epiphany, and after
Christ’s journey to Capernaum and Nazareth his
pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Passover, and <his>
return John, where John was baptizing at Aenon <near>
Salim. (21) For the Gospel says, “After this he went
down to
21, 22 “And the Passover of the
Jews was nigh,” as he says, “and Jesus went up to
21,25 And after John has said a
great deal—“He that hat the bride is the bridegroom,"[99]
[and so on]—the Gospel then says, “When therefore Jesus
knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and
baptized more disciples <than> John (though Jesus
himself baptized not, but his disciples), he left Judaea
departed again into Galilee. (26) And he must needs pass
21, 27 “Now after the two days he
came into
21, 28 “After this there was a
feast of the Jews”—I believe he is speaking of another
feast of the Jews, Pentecost or Tabemacles—“and Jesus
went up to
21, 31
“After these things Jesus went over the Sea of
Galilee, the Sea
of Tiberias, and a great multitude followed him because
they saw the miracles which he did on them that were
diseased. And Jesus went up into the mountain, and there
he sat with his disciples. And the Passover, the feast
of the Jews, was <nigh>."[107]
(32) And now, as the other Gospels say, when John was
imprisoned Jesus came and made his home in
22, 1 Again, they also accuse the
holy evangelist—or rather, they accuse the Gospel
itself-—because, they say, ‘John said that the Savior
kept two Passovers over a two—year period, but the other
evangelists describe one Passover.” (2) In their
boorishness they fail to realize that the Gospels not
only acknowledge that there are two Passovers as I have
fully shown, but that they speak of two earlier
Passovers, and of that other Passover on which the
Savior suffered, so that there are three Passovers, over
three years, from the time of Christ’s baptism and first
preaching until the cross.
22, 3 For the Savior was born
during the forty-second year of
the Roman emperor Augustus—in the thirteenth
consulship of the same Octavian Augustus and the
consulship of Silanus, as the Roman consul lists
indicate. (4) For these say as follows: “During their;
consulships,” I mean Octavian’s thirteenth and the
consulship of Silanus, “Christ was born on the eighth
before the Ides of January, thirteen days after the
winter solstice and the increase of the light and the
(5) Greeks, I mean the idolaters, celebrate this day" on
the eighth before the Kalends of January, which Romans
call Saturnalia, Egyptians Cronia, and Alexandrians,
Cicellia. (6) For this division between signs of the
zodiac, which is a solstice, comes on the eighth before
the Kalends of January, and the day begins to lengthen
because the light is receiving its increase. And it
completes a period of thirteen days until the eighth
before the Ides of January the day of Christ’s birth,
with a thirtieth of an hour added to each day. (7) The
Syrian sage, Ephrem, testified to this calculation in his
commentaries when he said, “Thus the advent of our Lord
Jesus Christ, his birth in the flesh or perfect
incarnation which is called the Epiphany, was revealed
after a space of thirteen from the beginning of the
increase of the light. For this too needs be a type of
the number of our Lord Jesus Christ and his twelve
disciples, since, [added to the disciples], he made up
the number of the thirteen days of the light’s
22, 8 And how many other things
have been done and are being done because of, and in
testimony to this calculation, I mean of Christ’s birth?
Indeed, those who guilefully preside over the
cult of idols are obliged to confess a part of
the truth, and in many places deceitfully celebrate a
very great festival on the very night of the Epiphany,
to deceive the idolaters who believe them into hoping[110]
in the imposture and not seeking the truth.
22, 9 First, at
22, 11 This also goes on in the
city of
22, 12 I have been obliged to prove
this with many examples because of those who do not
believe that "The Epiphany” is a good
name for the fleshly birth of the Savior, who was
born at the eighth hour and manifested, by the angels’
testimony, to the shepherds and the world—but he was
manifested to Mary and Joseph as well. (13) And the star
was manifested to the magi in the east at that hour,
years before their arrival at
22, 17 For the magi themselves
22, 19 Thus the Savior was born in
the forty-second year of the Roman emperor Augustus in
the consulship I have mentioned, twenty-nine years after
Augustus’ annexation of
22, 22 All this was fulfilled
beginning with Christ’s birth in
was an alliance between the Romans
and the Jews and the payment of partial tribute;
Antipater’s governorship, from the sixth year of
Augustus through his ninth year; Herod’s appointment in
Augustus’ tenth year, and the payment of partial tribute
until Augustus’ thirteenth, which was the fourth year of
the reign of his appointee, Herod; (23) the period from
Herod’s fourth year, which finally saw the complete
surrender of Judaea, until Herod’s thirty-third year,
when Augustus had reigned forty two <and>, as I said,
Judaea had been subdued. [This came] after it had
been tributary to the Romans for twenty-nine years;
after Herod’s father Antipater had been made governor;
and after Herod had been made king of Judaea by Augustus
in Augustus’ tenth year.
22, 24 1. These things (i.e.,
Christ's birth and the fulfillment of Jacob’s prophecy)
came about in the thirteenth consulship of Octavius
Augustus and the consulship of Silanus, as I have often
said. The consulships listed below succeeded that
consulship in order, as follows.[114]
[The consulships] of:
2. Lentulus and Piso
3. Lucius Caesar and Paulus
4. Vindicius and Varus
5. Lamius and Servilius Nonnius
6. Magnus Pompeius and Valerius
7. Lepidus and Aruncius
8. Caesar and Capito
9. Creticus and Nerva
10. Camillus and Quintillian
11. Camerus and Sabinus
12. Dolabella and Silanus
13. Lepidus and Taurus
14. Flaccus and Silanus
15. The two Sexti
16. Pompeius Magnus and Apuleius
17. Brutus and Flaccus
18. Taurus and Libo
19. Crassus and Rufus
20. Tiberius Caesar for the second
time, and Drusus Genicus for the second time
21. Silanus and Balbus
22. Messala and Grams
23. Tiberius Caesar for the third
time, and Drusus Germanicus for the third time
24. Agrippa and Galba
25. Pollio and Veterus
26. Cethegus and Varus
27. Agrippa for the second lime,
and Lentulus Galba
28. Getulicus and Sabinus
29. Crassus and Piso
30. Silanus and Nerva
23, 1 And you see that this is a
period of thirty years. I have; done my best to give an
accurate list of the successive consulships, so that
those who go over it will see that there is no falsehood
in the sacred doctrine of the truth, but that everything
has been proclaimed with accuracy by the church. (2) For
who can count the successive consulships, which cannot
be wrong, and not despise those who believe that there
is a discrepancy in the number of the years which is
celebrated by the evangelists?
23, 3 This is also the downfall of
the earlier Valentinian sect: and certain others, with
their fictitious record of the thirty aeons they thought
they could compare with the years of the Savior’s life,
making it possible for them to write the story of their
aeons and first principles, if you please. (4) For in
fact, it was in the thirty-third year of his incarnation
that the Only-begotten suffered for —the divine Word
from on high who was impassible, and yet <took> flesh
<and> suffered for us to cancel our sentence death. (5)
For after that consulship which came, as I indicated in
Christ’s thirtieth year, there was another, called the
consulship of Rufus and Rubellio. And then, at the
beginning of the consulship after the consulship <of
Rufus and> Rubellio—the one which later came to be
called the consulship of Vinnicius and Longinus
Cassius—the Savior suffered on the thirteenth before the
Kalends of April <in his thirty-third year, which was>
the eighteenth year;
24, 4 For Christ was born in the
month of January, that is on the eight before the Ides
of January—is the evening of January fifth, at the
beginning of January sixth. In the Egyptian calendar it
is the eleventh of Tybi. In the Syrian or Greek it is
the sixth of Audynaeus. In the Cypriote or Salaminian it
is the fifth day of the fifth month. In the Paphian it is
the fourteenth of July. In the Arabian it is the
twenty-first of Aleom. <In the Macedonian it is the
sixteenth of Apellaeus.>[115]
In the Cappadocian it is the thirteenth of Atartes. In
the Athenian it is the fifth of Maemacterium. And in the
Hebrew calendar it is the fifth of Tebeth. (2) For in
this case too the prophet’s oracle had to be fulfilled,
“There came unto us the ark of the Lord”but he means
Christ’s perfect human nature—“on the fifth day of the
fifth month.”[116]
(3) This had to be fulfilled first by the Hebrew
reckoning, by the following of which many of the
gentiles, I mean the Romans, observe the fifth day in the
evening preceding the sixth. But the Cypriotes keep the
fifth of the month itself; and the native Egyptians, and
the Salarninians, observe that month as the fifth, just
as the Hebrews make it the fifth month from their New
24, 4 Christ had lived through
these twenty-nine full consulships, but in the thirtieth
consulship, I mean <the consulship of
Silanus and
Nerva>, he came to John in about the <eleventh>
month, and was
baptized in the river Jordan in the thirtieth year
following his
birth in the flesh, (5) on the sixth before the Ides of
November. That is, he was baptized on the twelfth of the
Egyptian month Athyr, the eighth of the Greek month of
Dius, the sixth of third Choiak in the Salaminian, or
Constantian calendar, the sixteenth of Apogonicus in the
Paphian, the twenty-second of Angalthabaith in the
Arabian, the sixteenth of Apellaeus in the Macedonian,
the fifteenth of Aratates in the Cappadocian, the seventh
of Metagitnium in the Athenian, and the seventh of
Marcheshvan in
the Hebrew. (6) As I have often remarked, the holy
Gospel according to Luke bears me out with some such
words as, "Jesus began to be about thirty years old,
being, as was supposed, the son of Joseph.”[117]
24, 7 From this day, the twelfth of
Athyr, he “preached the acceptable year of the Lord” as
had been foretold in the prophet Isaiah: "The Spirit of
the Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to
preach the Gospel to the poor. He hath sent me to
proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to
the blind to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and
the day of retribution."[118]
25, 1 For he indeed preached an
acceptable year of the Lord, that is, a year without
opposition. He preached for the first year after <the>
thirtieth year of his incarnation, and everyone accepted
his preaching. Neither Jews nor gentiles nor Samaritan
disputed it; all were glad to hear him. (2) In this year
he went up to Jerusalem, after being baptized and
passing the forty day of the temptation, and the twenty
days prior to the first miracle, which I have spoken of,
and the choosing of his disciples. (3) It is plain that,
after returning to the Jordan from the temptation, and
crossing the Sea of Tiberias and going to Nazareth, he
went up to Jerusalem and, midway through the feast,
cried out, “If anyone: thirst, let him come to me and
And then he went to
25, 4 And at the close of the first
year he went up to Jerusalem again, and now they tried
to arrest him during the feast and were afraid to; at
this feast he said, “I go not up at this feast.”[120]
(5) He was not lying, never fear! It says, “He set out
at the middle of their feast and went up to
25, 7 And finally after this, at the
close of the two year period which followed his baptism
and his birthday, in November and January
[respectively]—in the thirty-third year of his
incarnation, after living through the two consulships I
have mentioned, those of the two Gemini and of Rufus and
Rubellio, (8) the impassible divine Word accomplished
the mystery of his passion in the third consulship, in
its third month, after January and February. He suffered
in the flesh for us while retaining his impassibility, as
Peter says, “being put to death in the flesh, but
quickened by the Spirit.”[123]
26, 1 Jesus suffered on the
thirteenth before the Kalends of April, the Jews
meanwhile having skipped one evening, that is, at
26, 3 But Jesus was arrested late
on that same third day, which was the nighttime of the
eleventh of the month, the sixteenth before the Kalends
of April.[128]
The dawning of the fourth day[129]
of the week was the nighttime of the [Jewish] twelfth
day of the month, the fifteenth before the Kalends of
April. The daytime of the thirteenth day of the month[130]
was the fifth day of the week, but the [ensuing]
nighttime was the fourteenth of the month,[131]
the fourteenth before the Kalends of April.[132]
The daytime of the fourteenth of the month was the eve
of the Sabbath, the thirteenth before the Kalends of
April. The daytime of the fifteenth of the month[133]
was the Sabbath, the twelfth before the Kalends of
26, 4 The dawning of the Lord's Day
was [the end of] the nighttime of the fifteenth of the
That was the illumination of hades, earth and heaven and
the <time of the equality> the night and the day,
reckoned [both] because of the Jewish] fifteenth of the
month and because of the course of the sun; for the
resurrection and the equinox <came> [at
26, 5 Now the exact computation [of
the lunar year] contains some [double-]hours,[136]
and comes out even every third year, making a difference
of one day in their calculations. (6) For they add four
other [double-]hours per year to the moon’s course after
its 354 days, making one [additional] day every three
years. (7) And so they intercalate five months in
fourteen years because the one [double-]hour is
subtracted from the sun’s course of 365 days and three
[double-]hours; for, with the hours added, the final
result is 365 days less one [double]-hour.
26, 8 And so, because they multiply
the fourteen years by six every eighty-four years, they
intercalate one month in the eighty-fifth year, so that
there are thirty-one [intercalary] months every
eighty-five years; but by exact reckoning there ought to
be thirty-one months, twenty-four[137]
days, and three [double]-hours. (27,1) The Jews were
wrong at that time for this reason; not only did they
eat the Passover two days early because they were
disturbed, 5 but they also added the one day they had
skipped, since they were mistaken in every way. But the
revelation of the truth has done everything for our
salvation with the utmost precision. (2) Thus when the
Savior himself had finished the Passover he went out into
the mount “with intense desire”[138]
after eating it (3) And yet he ate that Jewish Passover
with the disciples, and did nothing different He himself
kept it the same as the others, so as not to destroy the
Law but to fulfill it.
27, 4 And so, after completing his
thirtieth year in which he was baptized, and after
completing his thirty-first by preaching for an entire
“acceptable year” without opposition, but [then]
preaching another year with opposition, to the
accompaniment of persecution and hatred; and after
completing [part of] another year after it[139]
a full seventy-four days from his birthday,—(the
Epiphany, (5) January 5 at the dawn of January 6 and the
eleventh of the Egyptian month Tybi)—until the
thirteenth before the Kalends of April, as I said, <on
that same thirteenth before the Kalends of April,> the
twenty-fourth of the Egyptian month Phamenoth, he had
attained a full thirty—two years, plus seventy-four days
from the Epiphany. (6) And he rose on the twenty-sixth
of the Egyptian month Phamenoth—(this was the day of the
equinox and was preceded by the night and the
equinox)—the day which followed the twenty-fifth of
Phamenoth, the eleventh before the Kalends of April,
<and appeared to his disciples.> This makes liars of all
who are not sons of the truth.
28, 1 Valentinus, first of all, is
at once <exposed> as a schemer, since he expects <to
prove> to us, from the years of the Savior’s rearing and
coming to manhood, that there are thirty aeons. He does
not realize that the Savior did not live for only thirty
years. (2) He was baptized in his thirtieth year at the
age of twenty-nine years and ten months, on the twelfth
of Athyr, as I said, the sixth before the Ides of
November. And then, following his baptism which was
<sixty days> before his birthday, <he passed> an
acceptable year of the Lord in preaching, and another
year, of opposition, after <the first> year[140]
and [finally] seventy-four days of opposition. (3) Thus
all the years of his incarnation, from his birth until
his passion, amounted to thirty-two years and seventy
four days. But there were two years and 134 days (sic!)[141]
from the start <of his preaching in> the consulship of
Silanus and Nerva. And
Valentinus stands refined, and the many who are just as
28, 4 The ones who reject John’s
Gospel have also been refuted. (I may rightly call them
“Dumb,” since they reject the Word of God—the Father’s
Word who was preached by john, and which came down from
heaven and wrought salvation for us <by> his whole
advent in the flesh.) (5) For from the consulships, the
years, the witness of the prophet Isaiah, the Gospel
according to Luke, the Gospel according to John, the
Gospel according to Matthew, the Gospel according to
Mark—in short, the misguided people have been refuted in
every way, (6) since Christ did not live to see just one
Passover over the period of a year from the start of his
preaching, but actually lived through the periods of a
little less than three consulships after his baptism by
John. (7) And the
nitwits’ fallacious argument has failed <because
it is> full of silliness, and of an ignorance that not
only fails to recognize its own salvation, but even
futilely makes a lying war on the truth.
29, 1 For somewhere <in> these
works I have also found a notation that the Word of God
was born about the fortieth year of Augustus. Either
this was a mistake on the writer’s part, or else he
wrote only “forty (m)
years” because the figure “beta” had been erased and only
the “mu” was left on the page. For Christ was born in
the forty-second year of Augustus.
29, 2 It says besides that Christ
<was conceived> on the twelfth before the Kalends of
July or June—I cannot say which—in the consulship of
Sulpicius Cammarinus and Betteus Pompeianus.[142]
(3) I have,<also> noticed that those who have given a
date for the conception, and Gabriel’s bringing of the
tidings to the Virgin, have said <this because of> a
conjecture on the part of certain persons who have it by
that Christ was born after a term of seven months. (4)
For I have found that there is a time of seven lunar
months less four days between the month they mention[144]
and the eleventh of Tybi, the eighth before the Ides of
January, when the Epiphany really took place and Christ
was born. (5) So if you should find <this> in a marginal
gloss somewhere, do not be misled by the information.
The actual date of Christ’s birth is in fact the
eleventh of Tybi.
29, 6 Some, however, say that
Christ was carried in the womb for ten months less
fourteen days and eight hours, making nine months,
fifteen days and four hours. They are alluding to
Solomon's saying, “compacted in blood for a time of ten
29, 7 In any case, <it has been
shown> by every means <that> me Lord’s birth in the flesh
took place on <the> eleventh of the Egyptian month Tybi.
And the first miracle in Cana of Galilee, when the water
was made wine, was performed on about the same eleventh
day thirty years later. (30,1) And even to this day this
happens in many places as a testimony to unbelievers
because of the miracle which was wrought at that time,
as streams and rivers in many localities testify by
being changed to wine. (2) The stream at Cibyre, the
chief city of
30, 4 And so we see that after the
twelfth of Athyr, when he had gone away and been tempted
for forty days, and [then] come to Nazareth and stayed
there for about two weeks and three days, he [next] went
down to the Jordan to see John and spent a first day
there, and a second; and [then he] returned to Nazareth,
and likewise stayed there for a first and a second day.
(5) And on the third day he went to Cana of Galilee.
This makes a total of sixty days after the baptism: the
forty days of the temptation; the two weeks <and two
days> at
30, 6 After that he came to
Capemaum and performed other miracles as I have said
many times, and [then] returned to
30, 8 For going in order, as I
said: after the forty <days> [of the temptation], and
the other two weeks and two days <at
30, 10 This was symbolic of the
church. On the third day of his business in the heart of
the earth, which he spent in hades[150]
after the passion, he arose and contracted marriage with
30, 14 At all events, the Savior
kept two Passovers after the beginning of his preaching
and suffered on the third, and this ends the things I
have by now said in great detail about days, months and
consulships. And their erroneous argument has entirely
failed; the Gospels are in agreement, and no evangelist
contradicts another.
31, 1 But to return to the subject.
To witness to what I have said in a number of different
ways, Luke, again, says, “It came to pass (in the second
Sabbath after the first.”[155]
This is to show that a “first Sabbath” is the Sabbath
the Lord ordained at the beginning and called a Sabbath
during the creation, a Sabbath which has occurred at
seven day intervals from then till now—but that a
“second” Sabbath is the one instituted by the Law. (2)
For the Law says, “Thou shalt take to thyself a lamb of
a year old, male and without blemish”—a type of the
Savior—“on the tenth day of the month, and it shall be
kept until the fourteenth day. And ye shall slay it at
even on the fourteenth day; and it shall be to thee a
Sabbath, an holy day, and ye shall eat unleavened bread
seven days, and the seventh day thou shalt declare
(3) And see how such a holy day of the lamb is called a
second Sabbath after the first Sabbath, and is
consecrated as a Sabbath even though it is the Lord’s
Day, or the second day of the week, or the third day of
the week. (4) But a second Sabbath [after this one], if
it recurs in the regular seven day cycle, is called a
“first” Sabbath—all of
which shows that not only John gave indication of
a time of two years and three Passover festivals, but
that Luke did too, and the others.
31, 10 And you see how many of
God’s mysteries the Law pre-figured and the Gospel
fulfilled. In which passages can I not expound them? But
not to go on too long, I must return to our order of
presentation. (11) However, from the ears, the standing
grain and the disciples, it is plain that john, Luke and
all the evangelists describe all these things ater the
forty day temptation.
32, 1 But again, these people are
not ashamed to take arm against the things St John has
said, supposing that they can over throw the truth, but
unaware that they are attacking themselves rather than
the sound doctrine. (2) For they derisively say against
Revelation, “What good does John’s Revelation do me by
telling me about seven angels and seven trumpets?”—(3)
not knowing that such things were essential, and of use
to the message’s rightness.
32, 5 And in the Law he makes the
tabernacle of skins—the skins that were dyed scarlet,
blue and so on—to show that tabernacle there is actually
a tent, but that it awaits the perfect Tabernacle of
Christ (6) For skin comes off a body and is something
dead, like the shadow of a living body; and this shows
that bodies are God’s tabernacle, for God dwells in holy
bodies in fulfillment of the words of scripture, “I shall
tabernacle in thee and walk in thee."[160]
32, 7 Thus error would arise among
the faithful if the book had not been revealed to us
spiritually, teaching us that there is need for
trumpets, but <enabling us> to know that God’s entire
activity is spiritual—(8) so that we will not take these
as bronze or silver trumpets like the Jewish trumpets,
but understand spiritually, that they are the church’s
message from heaven: as he has said elsewhere, “On that
day they sound with the great trumpet.”[161]
(9) For the prophets were trumpets, but the great
Trumpet is the Lord’s holy voice in the Gospel. For this
is why angels were also privileged to make revelations
to us; “For the trumpet shall sound," it says, “and the
dead will arise.”[162]
32, 10 But if you people joke about
the angels’ trumpets because of their being in
Revelation, then the trumpet the holy apostle speaks of
must be a joke too, for he says, "The Lord shall descend
from heaven at the last trump, and the dead will arise
on the last day at the voice of the archangel.”[163]
(11) What reply is left you, since Paul agrees with the
holy apostle John in the Revelation? How can every error
not be refuted at once, when God has testified <for> the
saints in every book?
33, 1 Then again, some of them
seize on the following text in Revelation, and say in
contradiction of it, He said, in turn, "Write the angel
of the church in Thyatira,"[164]
and there is no
33, 3 For since these Phrygians
settled there, snatched the simple believers’ minds like
wolves, and converted the whole town to their sect,
those who reject Revelation attacked this text at that
time in an effort to discredit it. (4) But now, in our
time, the church is there thanks to Christ and is
growing, 112 years after [its restoration], even
<though> there are some others (i.e., sectarians) there.
Then, however, the whole church had deserted to the
Phrygians. (5) And thus the Holy Spirit was at pains to
give us the revelation of how the church would fall into
error ninety-three years after the time of the apostles,
John and his successors—or in other words, for a time
<of 138 years> from the Savior’s ascension until the
church’s restoration—since the church there would go astray
and be swamped by the Phrygian sect.
33, 6 For the Lord exposes < them >
at the outset in Revelation when he says, “Write to the
angel of the church in Thyatira, Thus saith he whose
eyes are as a flame of fire, and his feet like fine brass.
I know thy works, and thy faith and thy love and thy
33, 8 Don’t you people see that he
means the women who are deceived by a false conception
of prophecy, and will deceive many? I mean that he is
speaking of Priscilla, Maximilla and Quintilla, (9)
whose imposture the Holy Spirit did not overlook. He
foretold it prophetically by the mouth of
34, 1 Again, in their endless hunt
for texts to give the appearance of discrediting the
holy apostle’s books—I mean John’s Gospel and Revelation
and perhaps the Epistles as well, for they too agree
with the Gospel and Revelation—these people get excited
(2) and quote, “I saw, and he said to the angel, Loose
the four angels which are upon the Euphrates. And I
heard the number of the host, ten thousand times ten
thousand and thousands of
thousands, and they were clad in breastplates of
fire and sulfur and hyacinth"[166]
34,3 For people like these thought
that the truth might be <some sort of > Joke. If he
speaks of the four angels who are seated at the
34, 5 For the nations have been put
under the command of the angels, as God’s holy servant
Moses testifies by his consistent explanation of the
saying: “Ask thy father and he will tell thee, thine
elders and they will say it unto thee: when the most
High apportioned the nations, when he dispersed the sons
of Adam, he set bounds to the nations according to the
number of the angels of God. And his people Jacob became
the Lord’s portion,
34, 8 And there is no doubt as to
the meaning of the sulfur, fiery and hyacinth
breastplates. Those nations wear clothing of that color.
“Sulfur clothes” means a quince yellow color, as they
call it, of wool. “Fiery” means their scarlet clothing,
and “hyacinth” means the blue-green wool.
35, 1 But since these people have
not received the Holy Spirit they are spiritually
condemned for not understanding the things of the
Spirit, and choosing to speak against the words of the
Spirit. . This is because they do not know the gifts of
grace in the holy church, which the Holy Spirit, the
holy apostles, and the holy prophets have expounded
truly and soundly, with understanding and a sound mind.
(2) One of the apostles and prophets,
35, 4 But let us go on once more to the rest, beloved, with the power of God. Now that I have said such things, and so many of them, against such a sect, I think that they are enough. I have trampled it with God’s power and truth, like the many—footed millipede or the serpent they call the wood-louse. It is not very strong and its poison is not very painful, but it has lots of feet and its body is long and twisty.
“Epiphanius boldly removed the date of the
Baptism to the 8th of November.
‘January 6’ (= Tobi 11), he writes, ‘is the day
of Christ’s Birth, that is, of the Epiphanies.’
He uses the plural, because he adds on
January 6 the commemoration of the water miracle
Individuals or groups who took this position are
described at Iren. Haer. 3. 11. 9; Eus. H. E.
.25.1—3 (Dionysius of
[3] Prov. 11:15
[4] Ps. 28:9
[5] Luke 10:19
[6] Gen. 6:14
[7] Iren. Haer. 3, 2, 1, and the reconstructed monarchian prologue at Corrsen, pp. 80-81
[8] I John 2:16
[9] I Tim. 1:7
[10] So, apparently, the second century heretic Gaius, Labriolle p. 48
[11] John 1:1
[12] John 1:14
[13] John 1:15, 30
[14] John 1:29
[15] John 1:38
[16] John 1:43
[17] John 2:1-2
[18] Pan. 20:8, 4; 30:3, 7
[19] Matt. 9:13
khruch; Holl: <dunhtai>
: khrucai
[21] Matt. 1:2
[22] Matt. 1:1
[23] Matt. 1:18-23
[24] Matt. 1:24-2:2
[25] Luke 1:24
[26] Luke 1:35
alloj <allwj>;
[28] Mk. 1:1-3
[29] Pan. 28:8, 9. But there Epiphanius is unsure whether Merinthus is a heretic or so named, or an alternate name for Cerinthus
[30] Eus. H.E. 4, 22, 5 (Heggesipus); Didascalia 23, Archelis-Flemming p. 121; Const. Ap. 6, 8, 9
[31] Cf. Ps. Ignatius Trall. 11
[33] 2 Tim. 1:15
[34] Cf. John 6:53
[35] Cf. Mark 1:10-11
[36] Luke 1:1
[37] Luke1:3-4
[38] Luke 1:5
[39] See Origen c. Celsus1.40; 48; 91.5-7. Also, Origen mentions the seeming discrepancy between Matthew and Luke at In John 10:3.
[40] Matt. 2:13
[41] Luke 2:22, 39
[42] E.g., at De Incarnatione 2m 1-3
[43] Luke 3:23
[44] Anc. 60, 1-3; Pan. 30, 29, 8; 11; 78, 8-9. But Epiphanius regularly gives Joseph four sons and two daughters, cf. Anc. 60, 1; Pan. 78, 7, 6.
[45] Matt. 1:20
[46] Luke 3:23-24
[47] Luke 3:38
[48] 2 Tim. 4:19
[49] John 1;1-2
[50] John 1:6-16
[51] John 1:20, 23
[52] John 1:28. Origen reads “Bethabara” at In Joh. 6.40.
[53] John 1:38,39
[54] John 1:39-2:1
[55] John.
[56] John 1:30
Cf. John.
[58] John 1:43-44
[59] i.e., at
[60] John 2:1-2
[61] Cf. Luke 4:23
[62] MSS and Delahay: ouden; Holl. ouden <semeinon>
[63] Cf.
Matt. 13:58; Mark 6:5.
[64] Cf. Luke 5:1-3.
[65] Luke 5:4
[66] Luke 5:4-5
[67] John 1:29
[68] Luke 5:8
[69] Luke 5:10
[70] John 1:29
[71] Holl.:
o estin kata
wj eyhmen
[72] Luke 3:23
[73] John 1:29
[74] John 1:35-36
[75] John 1:37
[76] John 1:43
[77] Luke 4:18
[78] John 1:14
[79] John 1:30
[80] Cf. John 1:32
[81] Cf. John 1:29
[82] Clement
the fleshly matters had already been reported, Eus. H. E. 6.14.7.
[83] Iren. Haer. 1.14.6.
[84] Rev. 1:8
[85] Luke 2:49
[86] Matt. 17:5
[87] John 2:11
[88] John 1:48
[89] John 2:1-4
[90] Cf. Matt. 4:12.
[91] Matt. 4:13
[92] John 1:33
[93] MSS:
Holl's <dihgetai>
appears unnecessary.
[94] John 2:12
[95] John 2:12
[96] Matt. 4:13
[97] John 2:12, 18-19
[98] John 3:22-24
[99] John 3:29
[100] John 4:1-4
[101] John 4:39-41
[102] John 4:43, 48
[103] John 4:50
[104] John 4:54
[105] John 5:1
[106] John 5:18
[107] John 6:1-4
[108] Consularia Constamtia, MG Auct. Antiq. IX, 218. Here, however, the date given is the eighth before the calends of January, i.e., December 25.
[109] The passage is not extant.
elpisantej; we prefer MSS:
in agreement with
[111] Matt. 2:2
[112] Matt. 2:4-5
[113] Gen. 49:10
[114] Epiphanius' list of consuls is in close agreement with the Christian list given in the Consularia Constantia and the Chronicon Paschale, Monumenta Germanica Auctorum Antiquorum IX, 218-220 and XI, 197-199.
[115] Klostermann's restoration, based on 24, 5
[116] This may be a faultily remember version of Zechariah 7:3.
[117] Luke 3:23
[118] Isa. 61;1-2; Luke 4:18-19
[119] John 7:14; 37
[120] John 7:8
[121] John 7:14
[122] John 7:25-27
[123] I Pet. 3:17
[124] With
some modification we follow Strobel’s
reconstruction (pp. 305-309) of the situation
envisaged by Epiphanius, and read the text
without Hol1's restorations. Epiphanius seems to
have believed that the Jews, as a calendar
correction, dropped the six hours between 6pm
and midnight on the Jewish fifth day of the week,
our Wednesday night. Following this alleged
calendar correction the Jewish fifth day of the
week, and the days following, would begin at
Epiphanius means Matt. 26:2
[126] Cf. Didascalia 21 (Achelis~Flemming p. 111). Epiphanius’ charge that the Jews ate the Passover two days early, and the calendar correction he believes they made, are connected only in the sense that the calendar correction affects the dating of the days of the month; Epiphanius reveals no belief that the two adjustments were made for the same reason.
I,e., if all had been done right
[128] Cf. Didascalia 21 (Achelis~Flemming p. 102). In other words, Jesus was arrested on our Tuesday night. However, the “nighttime of the eleventh of the month" should mean Wednesday night; Epiphanius, or the text, is confused here. Epiphanius might have read the phrase, “late on the third day,” in his version o the Didascalia, and taken it as synonymous with “nighttime of the eleventh” or “twelfth” (Schmidt, p. 691).
[129] I.e.,
the period between
[131] I.e,
was the fourteenth until the Jews made the six
hour calendar correction at this point. But when
this had been made, the thirteenth day of the
week lasted until
[132] I.e.,
the calendar correction has now been made, and
the Jewish 14 Nisan
now begins at
[133] As in
the preceding note, the Jewish day is considered
to begin at
[134] I.e.,
[135] I.e., if the Jews had not made their (alleged) six-hour calendar correction, the resurrection and the moment of the equinox would have been dated in the nighttime of their 16 Nisan, rather than at the beginning of their 15 Nisan. In this sense, 16 Nisan has been “skipped.”
[136] wras. We assume that Epiphanius means double-hours 'here, because 3 x 4 hours make only half a day, not the full day with which Epiphanius appears to be reckoning. Cf. 26, 6.
[137] Strobel and Codex Urbinas: kd; Codex Marcianus Venetus: ka. Strobel suggests that both are mis-transcriptions of an original kj, 26.
[138] Luke 22:15; that is, desire to eat the real Passover.
met autov;
MSS and Holl:
meta touto.
meta ton
meta touto.
This should be
two years and 14 days, cf. 16, 1-9.
[142] This name is inaccurate, and ungrammatically placed in the dative while Sulpicius Cammarinus is in the genitive; it may have been interpolated (Strobel, Dummer).
exontwn en paradosei;
legontwn en paradosei
proeirhmenou mhnoj;
Wisd. Sol. 7:12
[146] John 2:8
[147] Cf. 16, 3; 21, 10; 30, 8
[148] Luke 4:23
[149] John 2:1
[150] Holl:
en tw adh;
[151] So Origen in John 13, 62
[152] Ps. 5, Superscription
[153] Holl:
[154] Anc. 66, 2-10
[155] Luke 6:1
[156] Ex. 12:5, 6, 12, 15;
[157] Deut. 16:9; Lev. 23:15-16
[159] Rev. 1:1
[160] II Cor. 6:16; (Lev. 26:12)
[161] Cf. Num. 10:10
[162] I Cor. 15:52
[163] Cf. I Thess. 4:16.
[164] Rev. 2:18
[165] Holl:
anaskeuazovtej, anagazomenoi;
[166] Rev. 9:14, 16, 17
[167] Deut. 32:7-9
[168] Matt. 12:32
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