Coventry Carol


The “Coventry Carol” is one of the most beautiful of all lullaby carols. It comes from the pageant of the Shearman and Tailors Company at Coventry. It is recorded that Queen Margaret witnessed this play in 1456, although the earliest written form of the tune is dated 1591.  This song is sung by the women of Bethlehem just before Herod’s soldiers come to slaughter their children.


O sisters too, how may we do

For to preserve this day,

This poor Youngling for Whom we do sing

By, by, lully lullay.



Lully, Lulla; you little tiny child;

By by lully, lulla,

You little tiny child, lully, lula,

By, by lully lullay


Herod the king in his raging

Charged he hath this day,

His men of might in his own sight,

All young children to slay.



Lully, Lulla; you little tiny child;

By by lully, lulla,

You little tiny child, lully, lula,

By, by lully lullay


That woe is me, poor child, for thee!

And ever morn and day,

For thy parting neither say nor sing

By, by, lully, lullay.



Lully, Lulla; you little tiny child;

By by lully, lulla,

You little tiny child, lully, lula,

By, by lully lullay



Adoration of the Shepherds


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